Spray Away - Ear Guard For Dogs | RogueRaw

Spray Away - Ear Guard

Looking for a natural alternative to keep flies and pests away?
Try our all natural, spray on made from plant extracts product safe to use on all dogs. Available in 125ml and 500ml bottles.

Simply spray on and leave, external use only.

  • Australian Made
  • All Natural
  • Vegan Friendly
  • Alternative to harsh, synthetic chemicals





"After reading some reviews - I bought some Spray Away for my 3 doggos - decided to buy a small bottle to test as mosquito repellent for myself as i am usually feasted upon. I was super skeptical about it actually working, however I used it on the weekend and didn't anymore of it, i mean i didn't have any bites while sitting around the fire but hey! that could have been coincidental! - after showering, i got caught up in a conversation on the way back to camp - by the time i got inside i had been eaten alive!!! - On my way back to RR to panic buy the rest of the bottles!!! Oh! and the dogs ears are going great too!"

Meaghan Leck
Sydney, Australia

"I trialled/sampled this product.. works brilliantly. I live in Brisbane with a
German Shepherd and two Dogue de Bordeaux's. We get tonnes of flies, this product keeps them off my pouches and no skin reactions
Totally recommend."

M. Atkinson
Brisbane, Australia
