up to 40% off dogs have allergies

Allergies in pets are on the rise. The most common food allergens in dogs are proteins, especially those from dairy, beef, chicken, chicken eggs, soy, or wheat gluten. Each time a pet eats food containing these substances, the antibodies react with the antigens, and symptoms occur. Many pet allergies are a result of eating bioligically inappropriate diet that results in malnourishment, poor gut health, weak systems and compromised skin and coat health.


Fleas and other external parasites: Flea bites are a leading cause of allergies in dogs. Some dogs are hypersensitive to flea saliva, and even a single bite can trigger an allergic reaction. Other external parasites like ticks can also cause allergic responses.

Food Allergies: Dogs can develop allergies to certain ingredients in their food, commonly proteins such as beef, chicken, lamb, or fish. Grains like wheat, corn, and soy are also potential allergens. Food allergies can lead to skin problems, gastrointestinal issues, and ear infections.

Environmental Allergens: Dogs, like humans, can be allergic to various environmental factors such as pollen, mold spores, dust mites, and grasses. These allergies often manifest as skin irritations and itching.

Atopic Dermatitis:Atopy is a genetic predisposition to develop allergic reactions to certain environmental allergens. It's similar to hay fever in humans. Dogs with atopic dermatitis can experience itchy skin, ear infections, and other allergic symptoms.

Contact Allergies: Some dogs may develop allergic reactions when they come into direct contact with certain substances, such as certain types of grooming products, cleaning agents, or plants like poison ivy.


An allergy is a specific type of immune response that occurs when the body's immune system overreacts to a substance that is usually harmless. This substance, known as an allergen, triggers an immune reaction in individuals who are allergic to it. Common allergens include certain foods, pollen, mold spores, flea bites, and certain medications. When a dog with an allergy comes into contact with the allergen, the immune system identifies it as a potential threat and produces an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE). The IgE antibodies attach to special cells called mast cells and basophils, which are found in tissues throughout the body.

Upon subsequent exposure to the same allergen, the allergen binds to the IgE antibodies on the mast cells and basophils, triggering the release of inflammatory substances, such as histamine. These substances cause allergic symptoms, which can vary widely depending on the individual animal and the type of allergen involved. The release of histamine causes the characteristic symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, swelling, sores, and increased mucus production. These responses are part of the body's attempt to remove or neutralize the allergen. However, in the case of allergies, the immune system is overreacting to substances that are usually harmless, leading to the discomfort and symptoms experienced by allergy sufferers.

Mast cells play a role in immune responses, wound healing, and defense against certain infections. However, their most well-known for their contribution to allergic responses, making them an essential focus in the treatment of allergies. A mast cell is a type of white blood cell that plays a crucial role in the body's immune system and inflammatory response. These cells are part of the innate immune system, which provides the first line of defense against pathogens and other threats to the body. Mast cells are primarily located in connective tissues throughout the body, especially near blood vessels and nerves.

The primary function of mast cells is to release various chemical substances, including histamine, cytokines, and others in response to an immune trigger. Mast cells are particularly well-known for their involvement in allergic reactions. When an dog with an allergy is exposed to an allergen, mast cells recognize the allergen and bind to it through specific antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE). This triggers the mast cells to undergo degranulation, releasing histamine and other inflammatory substances into the surrounding tissues and bloodstream.


Diet plays a major role for avoiding and fixing food allergies. The RogueRaw feeding system provides a unique selection of real natural raw foods that help to reduce inflammation, improve gut health and immune health. You can also avoid the common pet foods like kibble, beef, dairy, chicken or gluten – the common causes of food intolerances and allergies in dogs and cats.

Recommended Precautions.

A natural healthy raw diet should be a baseline for feeding dogs afflicted with allergies. Foods with anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the release of histamines. These food include asparagus, broccoli, garlic, kale, turmeric, fresh sardines, mutton bird oil. Ensuring the meat is fresh can also be key.


Raw fresh meat and chicken is usually fine for dogs and cats. If your dog is having a reaction to raw food then it could be a few factors. Chicken is low histamine only if it is fresh or frozen. Like all meat and poultry products, chicken is highly perishable and will form histamine rapidly. Avoid minced, and/or canned chicken.
If your dog is vaccinated research has indicated due to the culivate pf vaccines in chicken embryos or cow feotus, therefore eating these particular proteins can trigger an immune system response.

Rotate food proteins

If you're feeding the same food regularly for an extended period of time, your dog will most likely develop an allergic reaction to this food. Variety also nurtures gut diversity and microbiome health which is an important part of your dogs immune system, in fact over 70% of your dogs immune system is in the digestive tract.

Increase Skin & Coat Health

This is your dogs natural protective barrier, the first line of defence against allergen attacks. In certain instances, the fundamental factor influencing the suitability of a food species (eg chicken or beef) is not solely its inherent properties, but rather the conditions under which it has been culivated. Aspects such as its diet, housing and medical treatments. For individuals with allergies, it becomes imperative to consider food items sourced from farmed operations may be an issue. Trialling natural pasture raised or wild ranged produce is imperative for allergy-prone dogs and cats.


Best Raw Diet for allergies.
Most raw food brands will try and sell you food for pets suffering from allergies. It requires more than this because if your pet has allergies already it's not just a simple fix.

That's not to say it's impossible we want you to know it takes time and we are here with you for the journey. For the most allergy afflicted dogs, we recommend a diet high in Omega 3, green tripe for digestive and gut health and fasting for adults. Providing fresh proteins, boosting gut health and helping your dog heal from the inside out makes them more resiliant to protect themselves against allergies and allergen attacks.

In most cases, your vet prescribes medication to suppressthe bodies immune responses. Please remember this is only a suppressant and we strongly recommend a healthy diet to fortify your dogs immune system, gut health and detoxifcation with the goal towards weanng off medications.

Fully Customised Raw Diets

Our raw food diets for cats and dogs present a comprehensive and versatile feeding system. They are designed to be easily adaptable, customizable, and fine-tuned according to individual requirements. Our raw food system is meticulously curated to deliver precisely targeted raw nutrients, accommodate various life phases and specific health conditions, recognizing that each pet's needs are unique.. Our track record speaks for itself, as we have aided numerous dogs in achieving remarkable health improvements and recoveries. We encourage you to read our reviews for further insights into our success!


A dog's coat provides protection against allergens. It requires various nutrients to maintain its health and integrity. Providing a raw nutritious diet is crucial to support healthy skin and coat . Here's how a dog's coat can help against allergens:

  1. Physical Barrier: A dog's coat is a physical barrier against certain allergens. It can trap allergenic particles, such as pollen and dust, in the fur preventing them from direct contact with the dog's skin.
  2. Reduced Contact with Skin: When allergens are trapped in the coat, they have less skin contact which can help reduce the severity of allergic reactions in some cases.
  3. Reduced Airborne Distribution: Some allergens may become airborne when disturbed, but a dog's coat can help prevent immediate dispersal of these allergens, potentially reducing the overall allergen load in the environment.
