Free ranged 100% real water buffalo meat. Great for all dogs, pups, cats and ferrets.
Better quality, more ethical raw dog food. Rogue Raw is part of the movement to end intensive and factory farming, supporting free-range and organic farming Aussie farmers.
Water Buffalo meat has been known for its nutritional qualities and for having high levels of Omega 3, a fatty acid that is commonly found in marine and plant oils. This polyunsaturated fat is known to lower triglycerides.
It has a significantly lower fat content in the lean meat and has approximately 43% less cholesterol than beef, according to the Australian buffalo industry council inc report.
A study done by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in September 2010 showed and came to the conclusion that the consumption of water buffalo meat seems to be associated with several beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk profile, specifically, water buffalo meat has less fat and is richer in proteins.
Water buffalo meat is much a healthier alternative to beef because buffalo meat contains less fat and cholesterol, and more protein than beef. Buffalo meat is always darker in color because of more pigmentation or less intramuscular fat.
All the above were from suggested studies.
Available in 1kg and 500g tubs.