Canine allergies are relatively common and can cause discomfort and health issues for dogs. The top five causes of canine allergies include:

  1. Fleas and other external parasites: Flea bites are a leading cause of allergies in dogs. Some dogs are hypersensitive to flea saliva, and even a single bite can trigger an allergic reaction. Other external parasites like ticks can also cause allergic responses.

  2. Food Allergies: Dogs can develop allergies to certain ingredients in their food, commonly proteins such as beef, chicken, lamb, or fish. Grains like wheat, corn, and soy are also potential allergens. Food allergies can lead to skin problems, gastrointestinal issues, and ear infections.

  3. Environmental Allergens: Dogs, like humans, can be allergic to various environmental factors such as pollen, mold spores, dust mites, and grasses. These allergies often manifest as skin irritations and itching.

  4. Atopic Dermatitis: Atopy is a genetic predisposition to develop allergic reactions to certain environmental allergens. It's similar to hay fever in humans. Dogs with atopic dermatitis can experience itchy skin, ear infections, and other allergic symptoms.

  5. Contact Allergies: Some dogs may develop allergic reactions when they come into direct contact with certain substances, such as certain types of grooming products, cleaning agents, or plants like poison ivy.

It's important to note that the symptoms of these allergies can overlap, and it may require a veterinary examination, testing, and elimination diets to pinpoint the exact cause of a dog's allergy. If you suspect your dog has allergies, it's best to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.
