Mineral Milk & Canine Skin Cleanser For Dogs | RogueRaw

Canine Skin Cleanser | "Mineral Milk"

Mineral Milk Skin Cleanser for Dogs

From the lowest point on earth, 413 meters below sea level closest to the earth’s core minerals the Dead Sea abounds with a variety of potent minerals with proven therapeutic powers and health benefits. We have used these minerals to formulate our Mineral Milk Body Lotion and Mineral Milk Spritzer. Listed below are some of the minerals and their key benefits for your dog.

Dead Sea Minerals Benefits

Magnesium helps the healing of skin tissue, acts as an antiallergenic agent on the skin, improves cell metabolism, stimulates protein synthesis, and facilitates energy production

Bromine is Anti-inflammatory, soothes skin, calms and relaxes the muscle, and calms skin nerves.

Calcium Is the building block for corrective tissue under the skin’s surface and plays an important role in cell protection. 

Chloride Balances minerals in cells and the body, necessary to maintain the correct balance of alkaline and acid in the body, which is vital for cell metabolism

Manganese has Powerful antioxidant properties, increases skin microcirculation, and improves the condition of connective tissues.

Lithium increases the effectiveness of treatment for psoriasis.

Boron helps to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

Sulfur. Contains certain essential vitamins and is a natural disinfectant and antibacterial agent- thus making it highly effective for skin cleansing properties. Research has Sulfur is effective in the relief of symptoms of skin disorders such as Psoriasis and Eczema.

Iodine Improves thyroid gland function and helps the skin cells’ metabolic exchanges.

Potassium Is a key moisture regulator and helps preserve a neutral skin environment. Signs of potassium deficiency include abnormally dry skin and acne as well as flare-ups of Psoriasis.

Sodium Nourishes and hydrates skin cells and removes toxic waste. It also improves skin cells metabolism.

Our lotion is a highly effective, fast-acting, and ultra-cleansing derma solution made from all-natural ingredients including fabled Dead Sea Minerals and essential oils. Use our lotion if your dog has lesions, or skin sores, or just needs a super deep skin cleansing lotion. Available in three sizes 250ml, 500ml, and 1 litre.

Instructions for use

  1. Apply liberally to the affected area.
  2. Allow the skin to soak for as long as possible
  3. Rinse off with water
  4. Repeat as required
  5. Can be used as an application leave on lotion (we recommend Mineral Mist Spritzer for ongoing support)


"I will NEVER buy any other shampoo now. And the best part about it is that it also smells great! Rogue then stepped up their game and brought out Mineral Milk Lotion. Now, where do I start, even though we had fixed her itching problem she still had a bald patch on her hind leg and dry scabby-looking ears. Talking with their very helpful staff, they told me about a new lotion they had brought out and sent us a sample to try. All I can say is THANK YOU after just a few applications a problem we had for the past year is now gone. Her fur has now grown back and her ears well let's just say you would never know she ever had any problems.

Just after a week of using it has fixed all problems that we had been fighting to fix for over a year. And just another example of how GREAT this lotion is, is that our girl got an infection in her paw pads which smelled really bad and had yellow puss coming out. Just one message to Wendell asking if it would help and finding out that it's perfect for infections we gave it a go. Within just 3 days the infected paw was now smelling normal and no puss could be seen, it was gone. Saved so much money on vet bills just from using Rogue all Natural products.

Biggest thanks from us and bigger thanks for our girl, Mercy." 

- A. Davies (Wollongong)

"I can't thank you enough! I was getting ready to head out to run errands and grab some shampoo and mineral milk from Rogue Royalty when Princess decided to go roll in a pile of cut grass. This would normally mean lumps, red spots, and itchy misery for several days, setting back her healing time by days. 

One application of mineral milk and she stopped scratching within minutes and 5 hours later still isn't scratching. This is the first time she's stopped itching in around 2 months. I'm so happy I could cry. Big thank you to Rogue Royalty"

- M. LeFay


"Our boy Diesel developed a rash approximately a month ago. As a blue English staffy, we have always been conscientious about his skin however this rash was worse than any other we had seen. It caused hair loss and irritation and began to grow in size. We tried everything to get rid of it before finally taking him to the vet where they tested him for a number of skin conditions including mites and ringworm. All tests came back negative. It seemed that steroids were our only option but we were hesitant to put him on them. After a short talk with the guys at Rogue, we were turned on to mineral milk formula. After a single wash, the rash had crusted over and peeled away. After a second wash, his hair became softer and started to grow back. We are confident that after a few more washes he'll be good as new. Thank you so much to the team at Rogue Royalty. You always know what to do."

- R. Ariane (Sydney)


Thank you so much, team! My dog was bitten by some unknown wildlife and broke out into a bad infected patch on his cheek, You supplied me with a miracle unicorn juice that sorted it out within days! 2 days after starting him on this cream it started to heal and within a week hair started growing back. 3 weeks later he recovered 100% without a single scar! I cannot thank you all so much for all your help and advice. You are GODS!!! Much love Rogue Royalty!

- V. Sharma ( Sydney)

“This miracle Mineral Milk has blessed my blue boy with the shiniest and healthiest coat. Since my purebred staffy was a puppy, he’s had all kinds of skin problems and now, he rolls around in the grass for hours on end with no irritation. This product has been our saviour. I truly swear by it and have recommended it to all my friends who own dogs with skin issues. My boy is happy, healthy, and smells amazing. My boy Rex and I thank Rogue Royalty for such a brilliant product!

 - Natalie”
