Water Buffalo Bones 1kg | Australia | RogueRaw

Water Buffalo Bones 1kg

Wild ranged 100% real water buffalo meaty bones. 

Our Water Buffalo bones are good for medium and large dogs!

  • Ultra high in premium natural protein and Omegas.
  • Wild ranged 
  • 100% Australian Water Buffalo
  • Perfect for mental stimulation & Stress relief
  • Essential for Teeth and Gum health

A study done by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in September 2010 showed and came to the conclusion that the consumption of water buffalo meat  seems to be associated with several beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk profile, specifically, water buffalo meat has less fat and is richer in proteins.

Water buffalo meat is much a healthier alternative to beef because buffalo meat contains less fat and cholesterol, and more protein than beef. Buffalo meat is always darker in color because of more pigmentation or less intramuscular fat.

  • Lowest cholesterol level of all domestic meat
  • Less saturated fat than beef or lamb
  • Contains significant amounts of omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, which are held to be protective against heart disease and other inflammatory disorders
  • Higher levels of iron than all other meat types and significant levels of zinc.
